Haji Menuju Allah Lyrics - Raihan


Haji Menuju Allah Lyrics in Malay & English Translation

Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk,
Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk,
Innal hamda wanni mata laka walmulk La sharika lak”
Here I am O Allah, (in response to Your call), here I am. Here I am,
You have no partner, here I am.
Indeed all the Praise, Grace and Sovereignty belong to You. You have no partner.

Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk,  Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk.

Verse 2
Pergi haji ertinya menuju Allah yang Esa
Membawa hati dan diri yang hina
Memberi hadiah kepada Allah
Berhati-hatilah menghadapNya
Going for hajj means going to face Allah the Only God,
Bringing heart which is shamed,
Giving gift to Allah,
Be careful when facing Him.

Verse 3
Setiap hamba pergi haji dengan segala yang baik
Hati yang baik akhlak yang baik
Harta yang halal hati yang bersih
Niat yang suci amal mulia
Every slave going for hajj with good intention
Pure heart and good akhlak,
Halal wealth and clean heart,
Pious intention and good amal.

Verse 4
Pergi haji ilmu tentangnya mestilah ada
Agar syarat dan rukun tepat sempurna
Sah dan batalnya dapat dijaga
Agar amalan hajinya tidak sia-sia
Going for hajj, you must have knowledge about it,
So that you complete its rukn (stepwise)
Sah and batal will be observed,
So that your amal is not wasteful.

Verse 5
Tatatertib dan akhlak kenalah jaga
Buatlah dengan tenang serta tawaduk
Sabar dan tolak ansur mestilah ada
Jangan berkasar merempuh manusia
Going hajj, you must take care of your akhlak
Tertib and akhlak must also be observed
Performed it with peace and tawaddu’, you must have patience and cooperation,
Dont be pushing other human.

( Ulang Verse 1 )
( Ulang Verse 3 )
( Repeat Verse 1)
( Repeat Verse 3)

Verse 6
Tanah haram jagalah pantang larangNya
Pergi haji bukannya masa untuk membeli belah
Beringatlah betulkanlah niat kita
Moga-moga haji kita diterima
Being in haraam, be careful of its rule
Going for hajj it’s not the time for shopping
Remember to straighten your niat/intention
So that your hajj will be accepted.

Verse 7
Jagalah pantang larangNya
Yang boleh rosakkan haji
Jauhkan maksiat dan yang sia-sia
Takutkan Allah yang Esa
Ingat selalu kepadaNya
Agar kita sentiasa memiliki jiwa hamba
Observed the rule which can ruin your hajj
Get away from maksiat which is wasteful
Fear Allah and remember Him always
So that we have soul of a slave.

( Ulang Verse 2 )
( Ulang Verse 1) (x2)
( Repeat Verse 2)
( Repeat Verse 1) (x2)

Lyrics & Video Information

Artist: Raihan
Track: Haji Menuju Allah
Album: Terbaik
Language: Malay

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