Proclaim The Oneness Of Allah Lyrics
Words and melody by Hafiz Mizan
His power and might reigns over all things
He is Allah the king of all kings
Proclaim the oneness of Allah
That there’s no god except Allah
Laa ilaaha illallah
Laa ilaaha illallah
Laa ilaaha illallah
Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasoolullah
Sallallahu ala Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi Wassallam
Sallallahu ala Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi Wassallam
His existence is most unique
Neither does he slumber, nor does he sleep
With his knowledge his everywhere
Remember this, and always be aware
All of mankind he surely did create
And he has decreed everybody’s fate
Oh true guidance comes only from Allah
The best way is, the way of Mustafa (The chosen one)
Where would we be without your grace
O Allah for you is all praisev
We turn to you for your pardon
Admit us o Allah into your garden
Through the Zikr of Allah I will have peace in my heart
Through the Zikr of Allah I will be closer to his love
Allahu Allah Allahu Allah X8