Taha Lyrics - Sami Yusuf


?alla l-L?hu ‘al? ??h?
Khayri l-khalqi wa-’a?l?h?
God’s blessings be upon Taha,
Best of creation and the sweetest

Khayru l-khalqi huwa l-h?d?
N?ru l-kawni bihi b?d?
Best of [God’s] creation, he’s the guide
The light of existence shines through him

‘Amma n-n?sa bi-’irsh?di
’Azka l-khalqi wa-’ar??h?
He encompassed all mankind with his guidance
Purest of creation and the most pleasing

N?ru l-L?hi l-mutaqaddim
Qabla l-khalqi l-muta‘allim
The first light of God
He was taught before all other creation

Badru n-n?ri l-mutalaththim
H?di l-khalqi li-Mawl?h?
The veiled light of the full moon
Guiding creation to its Lord

Ba‘da s-sidrati qad s?r?
Wa-ra’a l-?aqqa wa-’anw?rah
Beyond the Sidra* he walked
And saw The Truth and His Lights

Waqafa r-ru?u wa-ma s?r?
Idhhab wa?daka y? ??h?
The Spirit (Jibra’il) stopped and did not continue
[saying] go on alone Taha

Ir?a l-L?ha bi-l-?l?f
‘an ’ahli l-bayti l-’ashr?f
May God be pleased with his intimates
from his noble family

Wa-l-’a?h?bi ’?li-l-’ins?f
N?lu l-khulda wa-sukn?h?
And his companions, the people of justice
Who gained eternity and its dwelling

Mal??un lawnuh?**
Kah?lun ?arfuh?
Jam?lun na‘tuh?
?alla l-L?hu ‘al? ??h?
Of fine complexion
His eyes, dark and wide
Of beautiful face
The guide, with whom God is satisfied

Qamar?yun wajhuh?
Bah?yun shakluh?
‘A??mun khuluquh?
?alla l-L?hu ‘al? ??h?
His face is like the moon
His form is resplendent
His character is mighty
Taha, the chosen one

Rah?mun qalbuh?
?ad?qun wa‘duh?
‘Am?mun j?duh?
M??in muntaq?
His heart is kind,
His promises are kept
His generosity is vast
The effacer (of sins), the chosen one

?al?tu Rabb?
Ma‘a s-sal?mi
‘Al? Muhammad
Zaynu l-’as?m?
The blessings of my Lord
And His peace
Upon Muhammad
The most beautiful of names

Copyright of Andante Records. All rights reserved.

Words by Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari
Music: Traditional Islamic (unknown provenance)
Performed and arranged by Sami Yusuf
Recorded at Andante Studios
Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios
Video editing and post production @ Andante Studios

Published by Resonance Music FZE Administered by Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd for the World

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