Aashiq al-Rasul
Aashiq al-Rasul's Lyrics, Songs, Videos & Albums: Total 18 Lyrics and videos on this site.
Aashiq al-Rasul's Naats and Nasheeds: Total 18 naats and nasheeds on this site.
Aashiq al-Rasul's Official Website: http://www.AashiqAlRasul.com
Aashiq al-Rasul's Biography:
Aa'shiq al-Rasul is Britain's most versatile nasheed group in its tenth year of performing. Its catalogue varies from the traditional to the contemporary, lyrics are performed in English, Arabic, Urdu and Punjabi; supported by percussion instruments, drums only or voice only. AAR was founded in 1998 by Hafiz Amran Ellahi. Joining him were fellow Brummies (people from Birmingham, UK) Kamran Ellahi, Sheraz Yaqub, Tahir Khan on vocals supported by percussionists Usman Malik, Andy Mason and Harjit Singh. Tariq Aslam from Coventry also provides vocal support. AAR's vocalist are classically trained singers. Performing nasheeds, hamds, naats, qawalli, qasida, nasyhid, using classical and contemporary arrangements. Aa'shiq al-Rasul appeals to audiences with Indo-Pak roots as well as those who were socialized and cultured in the West.