Voices of Passion
Voices of Passion’s Biography

We are a group of reciters who regularly recite at the English Listening Centre, Husaini Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore HA7 5LQ, England.
Current Members
Abbas Ali Jagani
Abul Kassim
Akberhusein Datoo
Ali Murtaza
Kassam Jaffer
Mohamed Mohamedali (Mumdu)
Muhammad Datoo
Suhayl Nasser
Wasim Fazel
We Thank
Dr. Mahmood Datoo: for checking historical accuracy; the errors that remain are ours.
Muhsin Dharamsi: for the original spark; the fuse did light, it was however very long.
Mohamed Nazerali: for making sure we get the Narrations of Karbala CD, on disc, on time.
Mat Batram: for putting the accompanying CD together; we will come back for more.
Hujjat EC: for the encouragement, as expected.
Youth Azadari Drive (YAD): for starting to reinvigorate azadari and develop reciters at the Husaini Islamic Centre.
Sudanese artist Hassan Musa: for the excellent calligraphy on our site.
Partners and other family members of those involved in putting this together: for their patience and listening to us over and over again!
All those who we have not named specifically: your contribution and assistance has been invaluable.