Hafiz Mizan
Total 2 Lyrics and videos on this site.
Hafiz Mizan's Naats and Nasheeds:
Total 2 naats and nasheeds on this site.
Hafiz Mizan's Official Website:
Hafiz Mizan's Biography:
Through the grace of Allah Tala Hafiz Mizanur Rahman was born in 1977 in Scunthorpe , Hafiz MizanUnited Kingdom to a family of Bangladeshi origin. Alhamdulillah from a very young age he has had a deep connection reciting Quran, Zikr and Nasheeds. He has studied at Darul Uloom Al Arabiyyah Al Islamiyyah, Bury, UK, the first and most prestigious Muslim seminary in the West and completed his memorisation of the Holy Qur'an.It so happened that as the dawn of the new Nasheed era came to pass, Hafiz Mizan realised that he had a natural talent to sing Nasheeds himself. With encouragement from Scholars, friends and family, he was compelled to embark on a journey to kick start and begin writing his very own lyrics.Alhamdulillah It wasn't long until his Nasheeds started flooding the stages of Islamic conferences throughout the UK. Mosques, Madrasas, events, radio competitions and other Nasheed events were becoming common place in his diary with the climax being a visit to South Africa to rehearse with one of Zain Bhikha`s Producers.With the correct intention to promote the message of Islam through this unique medium of singing meaningful Nasheeds, Insha'Allah He is now on his way to launching his very first professionally recorded Nasheed album.